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Integrated urine fertilizer and farm waste is decentralized production of organic human urine fertilizer which is helping hundreds of farmers to improve crop yields while teaching the importance of sustainable agricultural practices.


Integrated urine and farm waste manure, minimizes pollution, Improves the soil structure, makes the environment clean, saves farmers money,
provide scalable, high quality monitoring of Carbon stocks in the soil, peat and marine environment, industry at depth –increase food production by 60% in Kenya,creates employment for both youth and women and alleviate poverty in 1 million people by 2026 and solving the scarcity of good quality organically grown food/ seeds and information.
Human urine and farm waste organic fertilizer, is a type of fertilizer that is made from either human/animal urine or plant waste matter .While synthetic fertilizers are mined or manufactured through a chemical process, and it’s a fact that most chemicals are not environmental friendly and it’s for this fact, we advise farmers to stick to organic fertilizer .
