Human urine and farm waste organic fertilizer, is a type of fertilizer that is made from either human/animal urine or plant waste matter .While synthetic fertilizers are mined or manufactured through a chemical process, and it’s a fact that most chemicals are not environmental friendly and it’s for this fact, we advise farmers to stick to organic fertilizer .
Fertilizers commonly used in Africa countries Kenya in particular , and other developing markets can leave farmers trapped in a cycle of poverty ,often doing more harm than good to their land and failing to increase the farmers yields .Farmers across Kenya and its neighboring countries are paying two to five times more than the rest of the world for fertilizer .Many can only afford the cheapest synthetic kind of fertilizer which will definitely damage their soils and reduce the productivity of their land.
The Urine Fertilizer Production Team
The use of chemical fertilizer in farming is by most farmers ,is a major problem that creates degraded and acidified soils ,most farmers land is already degraded due to soil erosion and acidification ,which represent most pressing threat to our food system both locally and globally .
Integrated urine and farm waste manure, minimizes pollution, Improves the soil structure, makes the environment clean and saves farmers money.
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